Hypnotherapy and psychotherapy in Northampton can help feelings of depression:


Hypnotherapy and cognitive therapy CBT in Wellingborough, Northampton can help feelings of depression and low moods.

Feeling depressed, feeling down and negative is extremely common and it is increasing in all age groups. Anyone, young, old, men and women can experience depression. Depression should always be checked out by your GP first to rule out any underlying medical causes. Statistics show that women are twice as likely to get depression as men. Day to day living can have many pressures that contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. It is often a cycle of anxious feelings that lead to feelings of depression and the feelings of depression can exacerbate your anxiety.

Many studies have linked depression to overeating and obesity, but recent research has found a link between depression and abdominal obesity. Depression is used to describe a variety of states and ways of thinking, feeling and behaving.

Positive psychology

Psychotherapy can give you that level of understanding and self insight that can fundamentally change how you think and feel about yourself. Mindset training can empower you to overcome your depression anxiety and take back control of your life. 

This psychological training programme shows you how you are creating and sustaining your symptoms and most importantly how you can take back control of your low moods and depression. Thrive can empower you to be the best that you can be.


more symptoms treated

Depression shows up in many different ways and typically you will experience some of the following symptoms:  


  • feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness
  • Sadness and despair
  •  problems sleeping, insomnia, waking up too early, too little or too much sleep
  • using more tobacco, alcohol or other drugs than usual
  • no appetite or overeating, losing or gaining weight
  • crying a lot, feeling helpless
  • restless, being unusually irritable
  • catastrophising - always imagining and fearing the worst
  • getting no pleasure out of life or the things that you usually enjoy
  • losing interest in your sex life
  • finding it hard to concentrate or make decisions
  • blaming yourself for things going wrong, and feeling unnecessarily guilty about things
  • lacking self-confidence and self-esteem
  • pessimistic outlook - always expecting the worst outcome
  • being preoccupied with negative thoughts
  • feeling numb, empty and despairing
  • thinking that everything will be perfect when you are the ideal weight, find the perfect job / partner
  • distancing yourself from others; not asking for support
  • experiencing a sense of unreality
  • self-harming (by cutting yourself, for example)

Booking a free screening appointment is easy - leave a message by phone, email or text:


 07764 816487

Areas Covered Include:

Hypnotherapy covering Northamptonshire and the neighbouring counties.